Friday, January 28, 2011

Fast Friends {Girl + Kitty}

I just met this sweet little girl. She is such a charm, with the brightest, most curious eyes. 

When they sighted our fluffy stray kitty at the front door, she immediately "adopted" him and gave him lots of cuddly attention.

What a cute sight! I couldn't resist capturing the cuteness with my new camera {that's a forthcoming post}.

"Verily I say unto you,
 Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God
 as a little child, he shall not enter therein."
(Mark 10:15)


  1. So cute! I love how all children have amazing eyes, so full of wonderment and curiosity. =)
    A new camera, how exciting! Is it a Canon 7D? Looking forward to more. =)
    In Christ's love,

  2. I am new to this blog, but I had to tell you that I live in Kansas too, and I want to start a Photography thing...I'm have somewhat started, but I don't have a blog or anything. :)

  3. Annie,
    Thanks! I am enjoying the upgrade features of my new Canon body (the 50D). I'll post a few pictures later.


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