Monday, October 18, 2010

The Beauties of Autumn

Thank you, Lord, for the beauties of autumn...

"Give thanks, my soul, for beauty,
For dream and hope and plan,
For Christ, Divine Revealer
Of God's concern for man..."

Falling, colorful leaves...

Clear skies and freshly harvested hay...
Peaceful, quiet rest...

A bountiful harvest...

...and for all the works of Thy hands.

"Show forth, O God, Thy purpose,
Direct our will and hand
To share Thy love and bounty
With men in every land."
-William Watkins Reid,
"Give Thanks My Soul for Harvest"


  1. Gorgeous pictures singing God's praises! Good work, Sarah. :)

  2. Thank you so much, Sara and Shiloh, for stopping by! I appreciate it. Blessings~Sarah Lee

  3. Sarah,
    Beautiful photography, Sarah! I am so happy to now find your photography website! You certainly have a beautiful gift of photography...a gift from the Lord!



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